Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Rauh Crossover and You

For today's post I thought it would be thrilling to make a 1950's safety inspired video of how to work in and utilize the new features of the Rauh Crossover.  This video would star Calvin, since evidently he's an actor according to the new CMU Drama web site, and feature award winning lines such as "No no Calvin, remember what happened to Timmy when he tried to sit on the props table", followed by an overly expressed look of fear on his face as he flashed back to Timmy falling to the floor.  Lassie, played by Ramses, would then run away from the scene as a prominent predestined prequel to Timmy falling down the well.  Silly Timmy.  For you Lassie fans, here's a flashback:
However, such a cinematographic project would take up considerable time that I don't have.  Please see REHEARSAL REPORT NOTE #1.  Instead, here are simply a few pictures.  Understatement is in this month.  For those of you not in the know, Calvin and I spent our spring break locked in the crossover sheeting the walls, repainting, installing hinged props tables, installing floor debris removal device storage racks, and turning pipe central into a corner even Mario would be proud of.  Now that's one sexy crossover.

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